
An over 30 year legacy of award-winning developments marked by an unwavering attention to detail, stringent standards for quality and a steadfast belief in creating strong, connected communities.

“The rise of the land and protected views of the surrounding region presented a bold opportunity for architect James Cheng to design a truly special, multi-layered experience.”

Cyrus Navabi, Qualex-Landmark™

James K.M. Cheng Architects

James K.M. Cheng is one of the pioneers of the architectural movement known as Vancouverism. His practice’s contributions to the city’s skyline, as well as a growing number of cities around the world, have made it one of the most in-demand design firms anywhere.

“Ironwood allows people to feel comfortable and at ease. It is a place that will reduce your stress as nothing is inconvenient for you.”

James K.M. Cheng

McKinley Studios

McKinley Studios is the ideal design partner for this ambitious project. Described as an “ecosystem” of six studios tied together by collaboration, they seek immersive and holistic projects that unlock human, cultural, and spatial potential.

“We love and believe in projects that are very much holistically developed, where the architecture and interior speak the same voice.”

Walker McKinley

Marie Khouri

Born in Egypt and raised in Lebanon, Marie Khouri has lived and worked in Canada since 1975—creating striking sculptures that relay messages of movement, community, and connection. She was honoured by the BC Achievement Foundation with their prestigious Award of Distinction.

“This is my first time adding a human aspect to an artwork. Every single one of us can be reflected through the structures. Their shadow will be cast in the same way as yours.”

Marie Khouri